The Messenger of Allahﷺ said, “When a person dies, his deeds die with him, except for three: charitable endowments, beneficial knowledge, and righteous children who supplicate on his behalf.” (Muslim)
When you support Minhaj ul Quran, your donation fulfills all three of the prophetic criteria for continuous charity.
1. Charitable Endowments (sadaqah jariyah)
Your donations are invested in an institution that strives to preserve and teach sacred knowledge and to work towards the upliftment of society. Whether it’s publishing of books, student scholarships, faculty support, or welfare works, your prayers and donations facilitate our work.
2. Beneficial Knowledge (Ilm-e-Naf’e)
At the heart of MQII’s efforts is the pursuit of beneficial knowledge that cultivates virtue. Minhaj ul Quran’s efforts are dedicated to nurture the hearts and minds of the community. With your help, we hope to establish a culture of learning that is a beacon of light for many around the nation.
3. Righteous Children Who Supplicate for You
Our beneficiaries pray not only for their parents and family, but they also thank Allah for supporters like you. Allah-willing, you will share in the reward of their good deeds for generations to come.
As we enter the New Islamic Year, we remain positive about the future, because our Prophet ﷺ was an optimist. Give to a cause that builds today for a better tomorrow.
The donation amount can be as little as Rs.100, 200, 300, 400 or 500.
Donation link
Give Today So We May Flourish Tomorrow.
Special Gift for Members who enroll 25 donors
Members who help to enroll 25 donors will get a special gift of Mudd an-Nabawiﷺ.This is the replica of the Vessel that was used by Prophet(ﷺ) in his life. This product is made of copper. Minhaj ul Qur’an is now offering this with authentication of having Sanad (chain of narrators).