Among the Salaf as-Salihin (Pious Predecessors), there are four Imams who are of great significance. This is because they were the founders of the four schools of Islamic Law (fiqh). The vast majority of Muslims today follow one of these four schools (madhhab). This is why it is important to learn about them. It has been the practice of the great scholars of Islam, from the time of the Salaf as-Salihin (Pious Predecessors) till today, to follow one of the four Imams.Following one of these four schools is the best way to follow in the footsteps of the Salaf as-Salihin (Pious Predecessors). These four Imams were the greatest scholars of their generation — a generation whose excellence and virtue the Prophet(peace be upon him) told us about. Their students and the many scholars who came after them developed their schools further and made it easy for us to study them today. A brief description of Imam Abu Hanifa(RA) has been given below.
Imam Abu Hanifa(RA) – The Greatest ImamImam Abu Hanifah
Nu`man bin Thabit is the founder of the Hanafi School of Islamic Law (Madhhab). He is popularly known as Abu Hanifah. He was born in 80 AH in Iraq and passed away in 150 AH. He is the only Imam from the four Imams who met a Companion of the Prophet(peace be upon him). He is among the Tabi`in (the Successors), the second generation of Muslims. It is reported that he met the following seven Companions(Radiyallahu Anhum) in his childhood:
1. Anas bin Malik
2. `Abd Allah bin Unays
3. `Abd Allah bin Juz’
4. Jabir bin `Abd Allah
5. Ma`qal bin Yasar
6. Wathilah bin al-Asqa`
7. `A’ishah bint `Ajrad
He is considered as one of the greatest scholars of Islam and was therefore given the title of ‘al-Imam al-A`zam’ (The Greatest Imam). Many of the greatest scholars among the Salaf as-Salihin (Righteous Predecessors) were either his students or students of his students.
Among his popular students were Imam Abu Yusuf Ya`qub bin Ibrahim, who served as the chief judge during the rule of Harun ar-Rashid. He (Abu Yusuf) was the teacher of the fourth Imam, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal(RA).The other popular student of Imam Abu Hanifah(RA) was Imam Muhammad bin al-Hasan ash-Shaybani(RA), who was the teacher of the third Imam, Imam ash-Shafi`i(RA).Imam Abu Hanifah was not an Arab. It is reported that the Prophet(peace be upon him) foretold the appearance of Imam Abu Hanifah and mentioned his greatness in Islamic scholarship.
According to Hadrat Abu Hurayra(RA):We were sitting in the presence of the Prophet(peace be upon him), when (this verse of) the Sura al-Jumua (Friday ) was revealed to him: ‘(And He has sent this Messenger for purification and education among) others of them also who have not yet joined these people (that are present now i.e., they will come after them in the time to come).’ (Q.62:3). I said:‘Who are they, O Messenger of Allah?’ He did not respond until he was asked three times, and Salman al-Farisi was among us. Allah’s Messenger(peace be upon him) placed his hand on (the shoulders of) Salman , then said: ‘If the Religion were beside the Pleiades, a man from Persia,’ or he said, ‘from among the sons of (the people of) Persia would surely have attained to it!’”[Agreed upon by al-BukharÏ and Muslim]
In another narration, it states: ”Even then a person among the children of the Persians would have taken hold of it.” (Muslim)

Isma`il bin Hammad, the grandson of Imam Abu Hanifah(RA), believed that the blessings his grandfather was given were the result of the prayer made for him by the fourth Rightly Guided Caliph, `Ali bin Abi Talib(RA). It is reported that Imam Abu Hanifah’s grandfather was a convert to Islam. Once, during the celebration of Nayrouz (a Persian festival celebrating the new year), Imam Abu Hanifah’s grandfather gifted `Ali bin Abi Talib(RA) sweet dish, and `Ali bin Abi Talib(RA) in turn prayed for his son Thabit (Imam Abu Hanifah’s father), saying, “May Allah bless him and his children.” (Khatib al-Baghdadi)
Imam Abu Hanifah(RA) loved and respected the Prophet(peace be upon him) very much. He would always honour his hadiths and follow them to the best of his ability. His love for the Prophet(peace be upon him) also extended to his family (the Ahl al-Bayt).He studied under Imam Muhammad al-Baqir(AS), who was the grandson of Imam al-Husayn(AS).