Home EventsMQII Sahibzada Hasan Qadri addresses MQI India delegation in Malaysia

Sahibzada Hasan Qadri addresses MQI India delegation in Malaysia

by Minhaj

A tarbiyati event was held on 10th August in Malaysia for MQI India members. Sahibzada Dr. Hasan Mohiuddin Qadri addressed the event which was attended by MQII Chief Coordinator – Asad Naeem saab, CEC members Rafeeq Ahmed Khan saab, Ayyub Ansari saab, Zubair Ahmed saab, Saiyed Nad-e-Ali saab (MQII Publications) and MQII members from Jammu, Kashmir, Assam, Telangana, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kutch, Gujarat, Rajasthan, New Delhi states were present in the event.

Minhaj Women League representatives from Jammu and Karnataka also attended the event.

The event started with introduction to MQI by MQII Malaysia president – Ghulam Rasool Bhatti saab. Tilawat e Quran was done by Syed Arif Mohiuddin Sabri and naat was recited by Dr. Arshid Qadri. Zubair Ahmed saab introduced the MQII teams to Sahibzada Dr. Hasan Qadri.

🎙️ *Below is a short summary of speech given by Sahibzada Dr. Hasan Mohiuddin to the members.*

❇️ *Importance of being part of organized group*

Surah Fatiha gives us a message that we should work for the Deen of Allah without any expectation of self praise as self praise is a form of minor shirk.

The second message is that we should work as a group and not as individuals for spreading the message of Islam. Satan works with his group to destroy the Iman of believers and in order for us to defend ourselves from his attacks we should also be a part of a group and adopt the companionship of Awliya. The term “Rafiq” or companion used in Minhaj ul Quran for its members is derived from Quranic verse which mentions the “company” of the pious ones.

In a hadith, Prophet(peace be upon him) mentioned that “Blessed are the Ghuraba (strangers)”. Quran mentions the incident of Hadrat Khidr(AS) who made a hole in a ship [made it look “strange”] in order to save it from an unjust king.

The strangers mentioned in the hadith are those are considered strange by the society because they go against the trends of society and remain firm on Islamic teachings. These people will be saved from the fitan (tribulations) of their age just as the ship was saved from the unjust ruler.

❇️ *Tajdeed e Deen*

Car factories manufacture cars according to the requirements of the generation. In our age, cars of newer versions have latest sensors, devices and functions so that they can function according to modern times. The older version of cars were relevant to their age and newer versions are relevant to our age.

Allah Almighty sends a Mujaddid at the beginning of every century because conditions of Dawah of each century are different. The Mujaddid is a unique personality of his time as he is able to deliver the message of Islam according to the requirements of his time. He is the trend setter and he is followed by the scholars of his time. He is given the responsibility to revive the teachings of Islam according to the requirements of that age.

There is another Hadith which mentions that, in every age there will be a group of people who will be on truth and noone will be able to harm or degrade them till they remain firm on truth.

Shaykh ul Islam Dr Tahir ul Qadri has been given the responsibility of Tajdeed in the current century and has been equipped by Almighty Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him) to fulfil the conditions of Dawah according to our age. Its the responsibility of members of MQII to take this message and spread it to people as per the capacities given to them by Almighty Allah.

The members should follow the Shariah , offer Salah regularly, and strengthen their connection to the mission.

❇️ *Importance of being united*

According to a Hadith ,the protection of Allah is on the jamah(group).

During a journey , Prophet(peace be upon him) saw that his companions(RA) have been scattered in small groups and he disliked it. He ordered them to assemble as a group. From that time onwards , Sahaba(RA) always remained united in the form of group.

Its important of members of MQII to unite and work like a single body.

❇️ *Importance of Different forums of MQII*

Our age requires multi-dimensional work and for this reason MQII has different forums.

Minhaj ul Quran is like a tree and this tree has different branches. Every branch which is connected to the mission is important.

Hadrat Abu Bakr , Hadrat Umar, Hadrat Uthman and Maula Ali(Radiyallahu Anhum) were given unique qualities and they were distinguished by them.Each of these qualities are important for our mission.

The  forums of Dawah and Publications , Welfare and Interfaith are like the two eyes of MQII and both of them have their own importance. MQII members should support both these forums.

All members should spend efforts, money and time according to resources that Allah has blessed us with.

The work of Dawah is the soul of organization and every member should be Da’ee.

A new document shall be prepared by Sahibzada Dr. Hasan Mohiuddin regarding guidelines for Dawah and it shall be shared with the members.

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