Home EventsMQII India: Peace & Anti-terror curriculum promotion activities in Mysuru

India: Peace & Anti-terror curriculum promotion activities in Mysuru

by Minhaj

As part of Minhaj Dawah project, Peace and Anti-terror curriculum books are being
promoted by Mysuru team. The Mysuru team set up book stall and gifted books to police
personnel and government officials as part of this effort.

Minhaj Books Stall was setup at Aimman Function Hall, Siddiqa Nagar, Mysuru during
Eid Milan program gathering and was visited by Muslim and non-Muslim brothers. Notable
visitors at the stall were Alhaajj Hafiz & Qari Moulana Muhammad Maqbool Ahmed Nizami,
Al Haajj Tanveer Sait (Minister for Primary and Secondary Education, Minority Welfare
and Wakf), Mr. Shahid Ahmed (All India Milli council general secretary), Mr. Ayyub
Khan (Present Corporator and Ex-Mayor), and Swami Gyan Prakash (Hindu Religous Leader
from Mysuru).

Minority Welfare and Wakf Karnataka Govt Minister Al Haajj Tanveer Sait at Minhaj
Books stall
[To the Right- Dr Alsheikh Ziauddin (President MIWF , Mysuru) and Left – Brother
Saleem ( Gen. Sec MYLI Mysuru)

Police officers taking a look at books on Counter Terrorism.

Brother Saleem(Gen Secretary MYLI , Mysuru) giving introduction of Peace and Counter
Terrorism Books to the visitors.

Brother Saleem(Gen Secretary MYLI , Mysuru) presenting Book Fatwa on Terrorism to
Sikh Brother who visited the stall.

​Swami Gyan Prakash being presented with a book clearing misconceptions about Jihad.He
appreciated the efforts of MQII in spreading the message of peace.

Brother Syed Junaid (Peseident, MYLI Mysuru) presenting book of Shaykh-ul-Islam
to visitor at the stall.

Mysuru Inspector officer Ashok police station Mysuru receiving book *Fatwa on Terrorism*
written by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri
from Dr Alsheikh ziauddin (president miwf mysore) alongwith Mr. Kausar (miwf advisor)
and other members

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